The only way to achieve real success in everything you do

Charles ALBAUT
5 min readJan 29, 2020
James Bond going all in at Texas hold’em Poker in the movie Casino Royale
James Bond going all in at Texas hold’em Poker in the movie Casino Royale

Michael Phelps swims 80 kilometers per week — he’s ALL IN.

Tim Cook starts to work at 4:30am — he’s ALL IN.

Thomas Edison tried 1000 times before building a viable lightbulb — he was ALL IN.

How to become a successful high-achiever is no secret. You need to be one hundred percent committed otherwise; you will fail.

What happens when you don’t go all in

Have you ever realized that your level of engagement towards an idea is directly proportional to the success you will encounter? It’s simple after all, if you are not absolutely obsessed about something and you don’t think about it every day, you subconscious will start “archiving” all your efforts and free some space for something else. Here’s what happens when you’re not all in:

You get complacent, sloppy

You figure that after all, life is not so bad the way it is. You start accepting the status quo and believe in it as a new normal. This is how people and businesses reach plateaus in life. They believed they have achieved their full potential, given it all and will stop trying.



Charles ALBAUT

Sharing the knowledge that allowed me to get where I am in the hope that it helps others. If I help just one person with one article, I will have succeeded.