Do You Need Downtime?

And if yes, why?

Charles ALBAUT
2 min readDec 23, 2021

Have you realized that the people that seem to need the most recharge time always tend to be the unhappiest in their current lives?

It seems to me that the more miserable your carreer, your business, your surroundings are making you, the more you need to escape from it.

Netflix, videogames, Youtube, vacation, bar nights… we all enjoy these once in a while but isn’t it a coping mechanism for something deeper?

Last year I wrote an article about how people were wasting their lives watching Netflix. You should’ve seen the comments! Apparently, when we tickle people on the escapism bone, we tend to get lots of aggression back. Is it too hard for most to look at themselves seriously and realize that they aren’t where they want to be because of their choices?

Or is it that life has become so unbearable to them that challenging their $8/month “way out” is seen as an insult?

I agree that we all need some time to recharge, hell, we sleep 25% to 30% of our days anyways — but, do we really need downtime or do we need growthtime?

Should we watch that fiction show or that educational documentary? Should we meet our friends at the bar or around a table discussing opportunities?

What amount of pure escapism is right? And what amount of our downtime should we turn into wisdom? I’m still trying to figure this one out…



Charles ALBAUT

Sharing the knowledge that allowed me to get where I am in the hope that it helps others. If I help just one person with one article, I will have succeeded.