How to Reinvent Yourself Every Year

The simple change of mindset that makes progress possible

Charles ALBAUT
3 min readDec 21, 2021

How can you combine everything that you have acquired throughout your life (knowledge, friendships, capital, wisdom…) yet make sure that you can also set yourself up to be a completely different person 12 months from now?

Photo by qinghill on Unsplash

I find this picture incredible. An old, deep-rooted tree stump that still stems new life. It is a great metaphor for what we go through on a yearly, monthly, daily (hourly?) basis.

As long as we are trying to make progress in our lives, we try to stretch ourselves up, adding more strings to our bow while at the same time remaining grounded in reality and remembering where we come from.

It’s not an easy feat. As we grow older, our lives get more monotonous — work, relationships, family, mortgages, car payments… All these things slowly accumulate and lock us in a state… a certain path that we built for ourselves.

But is it not possible to “branch out”? Create new things even if it means letting some other ones behind?

I made that exercise 5 years ago and, I can barely recognize myself from that time. Hell, I can barely recognize myself from a year ago!

How it all changed



Charles ALBAUT

Sharing the knowledge that allowed me to get where I am in the hope that it helps others. If I help just one person with one article, I will have succeeded.