Only Take Advice from This Kind of People…

There are only a few that are able to give you sound advice. Here they are.

Charles ALBAUT
4 min readDec 19, 2021

I find that most of us are always all too keen to share our opinion on any subject, regardless of how educated we might be about it.

It stems from one crucial issue, people don’t actively listen when engaging in a conversation, they are all too concerned about making a follow-up statement.

Sometimes though, it might also be the receiver’s fault, asking the wrong people for answers. In that case, people feel forced to give any answer, regardless of the consequences. Most won’t admit that they don’t know — especially people that know you look up to (think family, friends, coworkers).

Avoid the Unknowledgeable

A person might be an expert when it comes to one subject, yet completely oblivious in other fields. Sure your friend with a PhD in Nuclear Physics has a terrific brain to pick when discussing fusion, however, you might not want to ask him for relationship advice when he is already three divorces deep at 25.

We mostly begin our lives listening to our parents and close relatives as a single source of truth and end up relying almost exclusively on what they say. This also primes us to become good…



Charles ALBAUT

Sharing the knowledge that allowed me to get where I am in the hope that it helps others. If I help just one person with one article, I will have succeeded.